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Pumping up the energy savings with a new ISO standard

  • Hits: 5763

From pumping water from a well to fuel injection in your car and even manufacturing medicines, pump systems are used everywhere. But all too often they are given more energy to function than they actually need. A new international standard aims to change all that, saving the planet - and our wallets - in the process.


How standards will target the drone industry

  • Hits: 5700

At a time when drones have become a regular feature in the news and are about to proliferate our airspace, it's a good idea to take a step back and examine some very basic and important questions.


Ballot starts on standard for safer and healthier workplaces

  • Hits: 5660

Voting has begun on draft ISO 45001, which sets the requirements for an occupational health and safety management system.
ISO 45001 is currently at the committee draft stage of development, the first consultation phase.


#WaterIs... standards!

  • Hits: 11197

What is water for you? Is it health, nature, urbanization, industry, energy, food or equality? Water is all these and more. It is sustainability, well-being and growth. This year's World Water Day, celebrated on 22 March, invites us to think about what water means to each of us, and how it contributes to sustainable development.


A resilient world within our reach

  • Hits: 29325

Several thousand participants are meeting in Sendai, Japan, this week to discuss how to make the world a more resilient place – a place better equipped to prevent disasters and the human and economic losses they incur.



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